One of the ways to get famous is with your look. Personal branding and fame starts with the “look” — your look. You don’t have to be as handsome or beautiful as a celebrity to pull it off. What you need is “the look,” your unique combination of fashion, style, colors, symbols, and accessories. Styles and colors that are uniquely associated with you — your power, talents, charisma, brand, and fame!

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Creating a “look” will make you stand out from the crowd, no matter what your business, yet at the same time makes you more familiar. Think Steve Job’s black crew-neck sweaters, Tiger Wood’s red Nike shirt or Mark Zuckerberg’s sweatshirts. It’s how you expect to see them dressed and it makes a statement about their perspective on life. It’s as much a part of their brand as Lincoln’s top hat and beard, Churchill’s cigar, ZZ Top’s beards or Rod Stewart’s hair.

It’s the lawyer who stands out in a white suit and a Panama hat. The real estate agent who wears the national colors or costume of her country targeting xpats from Spain or Holland in her new location in South Florida. It’s the fitness instructor who teaches fitness boot camps in his army uniform. It’s the famous local barber with the handlebar mustache or the teacher who always sports a polka dot bow tie with matching handkerchief.

It’s the boat captain who wears a bowler hat, the golf pro who wears plus fours or the Silicon Valley accountant who has forsaken his grey pinstripe suit in favor of jeans and a T-shirt. It’s everything and anything that make you stand out and become more memorable in your profession, than any of peers. Your hair, glasses, clothes, colors, hats, shoes, ties, watch and accessories. The more people that remember you the more opportunity you create for attracting future business or rapidly advancing your career.